- President Trump has said he will sign an executive order to change immigration laws. On Friday, President Trump gave an interview where he said he would sign an executive order to create a ?merit-based? system of immigration. This possible executive order would also address DACA and will reportedly be unveiled within the next 4 weeks. However, Republicans and Democrats alike have questioned the president?s legal ability to change immigration laws without going through the legislative process.
- President Trump told the press he has plans to create a ?road to citizenship? for DACA recipients. On July 10, President Trump told the news agency Telemundo that he was planning an immigration measure that would include some protections for DACA recipients. He specifically mentioned a path to citizenship would be in the executive order, but his staff later clarified that it ?would not include amnesty.? Little information is known on what the executive order would specifically include.
- California has sued the Trump administration over ICE?s new rule on international students. Last week, ICE announced that international students enrolled in U.S. universities this fall will need to take at least one in-person class or leave the country. In response, the state of California filed a lawsuit seeking to block the new rule. California Attorney General Becerra said the rule could force students and universities to put themselves in dangerous situations by attending physical classes. Individual universities around the country have also filed lawsuits challenging the policy.
- 99 members of Congress have demanded that ICE withdraw the restrictions on international students. Last week, ICE mandated that international students must take at least one in-person class this fall in order to stay in the U.S. 99 Congressmen and Congresswomen sent a letter to DHS and ICE on July 9 demanding that the ?irrational and xenophobic? policy be withdrawn. The effort was led by Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Ayanna Pressley.
- ICE is offering a ?citizen?s academy? course with training on arresting immigrants. ICE is set to launch a six-week course on immigration enforcement. This course, which will be offered to civilians, will include information on ?defensive tactics, firearms familiarization, and targeted arrests.? An ICE spokesperson called the course an extension of ?community relations.? Despite what is contained in the program, ICE has maintained that it is not training anyone to do immigration enforcement.
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